Candy Cane Love

Today's card is a bit of a holdover from February but works as an Anniversary card too so...ta da! I'm CASing this card by Sue28 for the layout but I changed up the colors a little and added another stamp set to the mix.
My card base is a 5.25 x 10.5 piece of Rose Red layered with a 5 inch panel of Pretty in Pink DSP. The four layered squares are done with Chocolate Chip CS, Candy Lane DSP and Pretty in Pink DSP. The center panel is Neenah Baronial Ivory stamped with Pretty in Pink (swirls) and Regal Rose (LOVE). The three flowers are stamped with Regal Rose as well, punched with the Boho Blossoms punch and adhered to the panel with thin foam dimensionals. To finish it off, I tied some pink organdy ribbon around the top and added several mini half pearls to the flowers and a few of the swirls. The inside of the card is layered with a panel of Neenah Baronial Ivory and stamped along the left edge with the same swirls.

Thanks for stopping by!

S: Baroque Motifs, Filled with Love
P: Rose Red, Chocolate Chip, Neenah Baronial Ivory, Pretty in Pink DSP, Candy Lane DSP
I: Regal Rose, Pretty in Pink
A: Kaiser half pearls, ribbon, foam dimensionals, Boho Blossoms punch

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