Saffron Spray

Happy Friday!
I hope you've all had a good week. Our warm sunny days this week really made a world of difference. It's so nice to see a little less snow on the ground. Here's hoping March (traditionally our snowiest month) falls short this year and we don't get dumped on again. Out like a lamb would be just fine with me!
Today I have a sympathy card to share. I can't decide which was more of an eye grabber here - the floral spray or the embossed background strip. The embossing folder is from Sizzix and it's called Starry Night. Technically I think it's supposed to be a Christmas folder but it works for the rest of the year too.
The card base here is a half sheet of Mellow Moss. Sorry but it looks kind of dark in the photo.  Over that I layered the embossed Stardreams Opal strip and a punched border of Neenah Baronial Ivory. The border punch is from Martha Stewart called Quilted border punch. I wrapped a piece of wide satin yellow ribbon around the embossed piece before adhering it to the card.
The flowers are colored with a blender pen and an Old Olive and Crushed Curry pad and I layered that piece on a just slightly larger piece of Mellow Moss. The sentiment is stamped directly on the card with Basic Gray.
Thanks for wandering by! Enjoy your weekend.

S: Friends 24-7, Hope for Comfort
P: Mellow Moss, Neenah Baronial Ivory, Stardreams Opal
I: Basic Gray, Old Olive, Crushed Curry
A: Sizzix Starry Night embossing folder, Gelly Roll glitter pen, blender pen, ribbon (Your's Truly Butter), Martha Stewart Quilted border punch

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