
Whooohoo! It's Friday!!!
I'm so glad the weekend is here, I cannot begin to tell you. Our new bed is wonderful and it's so lovely to wake up an not feel like you're 100 years old.  Seriously, if you need a new bed - consider getting a SleepNumber. They're FABULOUS!!!!!
I'm so looking forward to sleeping in on it tomorrow morning. Bliss I tell you, bliss!
So, on to the card...
Today I have a belated birthday card for you. I pulled out Older and Wiser for this one - don't you just love that turtle? - a couple coordinating prints from my Delicate Dots dsp pack and a half sheet of Barely Banana. The card is embossed with my Quickutz Polka Dots folder and then layered with a square of striped dsp. The header is a strip of So Saffron that I edge punched with the Fiskars Threading Water punch and layered with a strip of dsp. I wrapped the ribbon and added the brad before adhering the strip to the card. The turtle and sentiment are both stamped on Neenah Solar White with Memento Tuxedo Black ink. I punched the sentiment with the Word Window punch and then popped it up on dimensionals on the label punch piece of So Saffron. The turtle is colored with Copics and mounted on dimensionals too.  Pretty darned cute don'tcha think?
Thanks for popping in! See you Monday!

S: Older and Wiser
P: Barely Banana, So Saffron, Neenah Solar White, Delicate Dots DSP
I: Memento Tuxedo Black
A: Word Window punch, label punch, Fiskars Threading Water edge punch, ribbon, American Crafts jumbo brad, dimensionals, Quickutz Polka Dots embossing folder
Copics: yr31, yg11, yr21, yg63, g99, y00

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