Autumn Oriental Blooms Part 2

Hello! Today I have a second take on a card that I shared here a while back. I told you then that I'd done it in a couple different colors. You can see the other card here:  Autumn Oriental Blooms
The instructions are the same but isn't it interesting how you can get such a different feel to a card simply by changing the colors? Other than that, I didn't change anything on this card. So... remember when you're stuck for an idea, sometimes the easiest way to go is to just change up the colors you used before!

Here's the list of supplies, but if you want all the instructions, hop back to version one.
STAMPS: Eastern Blooms  PAPER: Vintage Violet, So Saffron, Very Vanilla  INK: Always Artichoke, Vintage Violet, So Saffron  ACCESSORIES: Always Artichoke marker, grosgrain ribbon 

Thanks for stopping in! Come back soon!

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