Sunday Stash Challenge 23 - Back to Basics

Hello and welcome back for another new challenge! This week here at home we’re wrapping up some school shopping and gearing up for Josh’s last year in High School. (gasp!) Where did those 12 years go? Anyway, since I’m sure I am not alone in the whole back to school thing, I found a photo for the occasion. It’s pretty basic and, as I found when I sat down to actually make my sample, a bit of a challenge because of its simplicity. I’ve been working on really adding lots more detail to my cards of late so stripping things down to something very simple and basic wasn’t as easy as it should be. I kept thinking…wow, this is really plain, what else can I do with it? In the end, you’ll see I pretty much reigned in my impulses and kept it really simple. Back to Basics if you will.

Anyway, here’s my card: See what I mean? Two stamps, a bit of bling and some ribbon and that’s it. The upside? It took me about 10 minutes start to finish! Nothing wrong with that I guess. Lol! Since the photo was so simple, I pulled the general layout and a couple of colors out and worked from there. I will say I wanted to work a little of the green in, but it just wasn’t happening for me so I left well enough alone. At any rate, this does illustrate that you don’t have to pour a ton of time or effort into a card for it to be pretty. 

STAMPS: Medallion, Friends 24-7  PAPER: Bayou Blue, Very Vanilla  INK:Rose Red  ACCESSORIES: Gems (Crystal Stickers), ribbon (Martha Stewart)

So, now it’s your turn! Join in this week and spread the news too for others. I’m always looking for new players and am happy to provide a little Blog Candy to entice you to play along! As it turns out, I didn’t have ANY players last week (sob!) so I am going to let last week’s blog candy ride another week. The bottle is filled with lemon-scented bath salts that smell wonderful! These make great gifts but why not treat yourself! All you have to do is play along and you could win your own!

How do I play along?: Just upload a project using this week's photo as inspiration to your online blog or gallery. Then leave a link to your project in the Mr. Linky form at the bottom of this post. If you're linking to a blog, please be sure to link directly to the specific post where we can view your project, and not just to your blog or website. That way everyone who wants to look can get straight to your card. If you upload to online galleries, please also use tag/keyword SUSC23.

Deadline: The Mr. Linky form will close at 8PM CT on Sunday, August 30th, so all entries need to be in before then.

The Mr. Linky Dialog box has now closed for this challenge. If you would still like to post a card for the challenge, please leave a link within a comment. Thank you!

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