Sunday Stash Challenge 20 - Dog Days of Summer

Hello again! Welcome back for Sunday Stash Challenge #20 and a chance to meet my dog Buster. (aka Velcro) He's a bit needy and generally sticks to me wherever I go- hence the nickname.
This week I am using him as inspiration for our challenge. Kinda like when I used my kid... Please don't expect Buster to produce a challenge card however. His talents are somewhat limited to digging in the garbage, chewing up paper, and stealing the cat's food. Although he does make for a good vacuum in my stamp room...

Here's my sample:

I basically went with the colors of Buster's coat with a little red tossed in (note his collar is red). The card base is Basic Black layered with Whisper White and a little designer paper from American Crafts. My apologies for the fact that the white doesn't come through as crisp and clean as it should have. I really need to invest in a light box. Anyway, the designer paper is called Elegant Masquerade. I did a little stamping in the upper right corner and again on a strip of Whisper White with the big flourish in Baroque Motifs. The latter is layered on black and embellished with some black jewels. The verse got the same treatment sans the jewels. to pull the red in, I punched a strip of red with the EK Success Fleur de Lis border punch and used the little punch outs to trim off the bottom edge. The rose from Fifth Avenue Floral is stamped with Real Red, cut out and mounted on dimensionals. I liberally coated it with glitter before putting it down. the verse is on dimensionals too. This went together pretty fast even with the extra little punch outs- I ran those through my Xyron to make them sticky which helped a lot.

Stamps: Baroque Motifs, Fifth Avenue Floral Paper: Basic Black, White (American Crafts), Real Red, American Crafts-Elegant Masquerade DSP Ink: Basic Black, Real Red Accessories: EK Success Fleur de Lis border punch, glue pad, glitter, black gems (Hero Arts), dimensionals

So, now it's your turn and as promised, I have blog candy again this week. I didn't have any participants from last week, (crying a little inside ) so I'm offering the same thing again this week. Gosh, I hope you're not deciding not to participate because you don't like the blog candy... hmmmm. Well anyway, this cute little tiered gift box is perfect for little surprises and it's your's if I draw your name from the players for this week's challenge. Play along and at the end of the week, I'll conduct a random drawing to choose a winner.

Here's how you play along: Just upload a project using this week's photo as inspiration to your online blog or gallery. Then leave a link to your project in the Mr. Linky dialog box at the bottom of this post. If you're linking to a blog, please be sure to link directly to the specific post where we can view your project, and not just to your blog. That way everyone who wants to look can get straight to your card. If you upload to online galleries, please also use tag/keyword SUSC20.
Deadline:Entries should be in by 8PM CT on Sunday, August, 2nd.

Thanks so much for stopping by! I hope you enjoy the rest of your afternoon!

The Mr. Linky dialog has now closed for this week's challenge. If you would still like to play along, just leave a link to your card in a comment. Thanks so much for playing!

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