On the Green

Good morning! It's another beautiful day here; sunny and warming up nicely, and oh so welcome after so many chilly or windy days. I'm ready for summer!

Today I have a card that is just right for Father's Day, which of course, is coming up next week already. For all those golfing dads out there, this one is for you!

I went with a fairly monochromatic look for this one and stuck with varying shades of green. The card base is Always Artichoke (5-1/4 finished) and is layered with Sage Shadow, Naturals Ivory and a little To The Nines Specialty DSP. I filched the latter from my pal Twyla's stash. : ) The ribbon is some that I had in my own stash and for the life of me, I can't recal where I bought it, but at a guess I'd have to say Michaels. The little golf ball button at the bottom is from a specialty collection of themed buttons I had and the rest of the metal pieces are from the Hodgepodge Hardware Pewter kit. Everything is stamped with Always Artichoke.
Happy Father's Day guys!
Stamps: The Back Nine, Inspired by Nature Paper:Always Artichoke, Sage Shadow, Naturals Ivory, To the Nines Specialty DSP Ink: Always Artichoke Accessories: Hodgepodge Hardware Pewter, EK Success zig-zag border punch, golf-themed button, 1 inch circle punch

Be sure and stop back later today for this week's Sunday Stash Challenge #14! I've got a little Parisian inspiration for you this week in honor of my pal Twyla who is in France as we speak!

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