Sunday Stash Challenge #4 - Pottery & Grapes

Hello & Welcome Back! My apologies for being so lazy this past week. I realized today that I haven't posted anything since last Sunday! I'm really sorry! I lost track of a couple of days - sleeping 24 hrs around the clock through the latest virus will do that I guess! Anyway, I've spent the last two days stamping like crazy so I'll have lots of new stuff to share this week. In the mean time... I know you're really here to find out what this week's Sunday Stash Challenge is going to be so I won't delay any longer.
I was cleaning up around the house this weekend and sort of pondering my decor at the same time. I have a lot of grapes, apples and other fruits worked into my kitchen and dining room. When I took stock of it all, I realized I had the makings of a fairly creative photo grouping opportunity and obviously the colors of all of it appeals to me so I gathered together a few favorites, added a nice bottle of wine just dying to be opened, and voila! This week's challenge inspiration!

My card is pretty simple this time. I didn't do all the stitching, distressing etc but kept it to a more basic card. There are still plenty of layers, but really it came together pretty quickly.
The card base is a standard A2- 5-1/2 x 8-1/2 folded in half.
Stamps: Blossoms Abound
Paper: Vintage Violet, More Mustard, Old Olive, Confetti Ivory, We-R- Memory Makers DSP
Ink: Vintage Violet, Old Olive, Kiwi Kis
Accessories: Sponge , Lace Scallop Punch (Martha Stewart), dimensionals

Now it's your turn!

How do I play along?: Just upload a project using this week's photo as inspiration to your online blog or gallery. Then leave a link to your project in the Mr. Linky form at the bottom of this post. If you're linking to a blog, please be sure to link directly to the specific post where we can view your project, and not just to your blog. That way everyone who wants to look can get straight to your card. If you upload to online galleries, please also use tag/keyword SUSC04.

Deadline: The Mr. Linky form will close at 8PM CT on Sunday, April 5th, so all entries need to be in before then.

Thank you to everyone who participated this week. The Mr. Linky box is now closed for this challenge. If you would like to submit an entry, please leave a link to your post in a comment.

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